Saturday, December 21, 2019
Abortion Common Ground Must Be Found Essay - 1722 Words
Consider for a moment a society in which there are no rules or laws. A society in which everyone is allowed to do what they please whenever they feel like it without any consequences. The world would be in a state of chaos. In order to maintain order and implement laws we use a set of morals to judge what actions are permissible and which are not. Through evaluating their actions and the outcomes of these actions, humans begin to develop morals. However, to fully understand the consequences one must first claim responsibility for her actions. The moral validity of abortion does not depend on the status of the unborn as a person, when life begins-whether it is conception, birth, or sometime between-or religious beliefs. The permission†¦show more content†¦Church courts imposed more severe sanctions than secular courts, and were more concerned with unborn human life and abortions that occurred earlier in pregnancy. The first abortion legislation enacted in the English-sp eaking world was an English law of 1803 that punished whoever acted â€Å"to cause and procure the miscarriage of any woman then being quick with child.†Later enactments more strictly imposed liability on pregnant women themselves, and because proof that women had been â€Å"quick with child†was often difficult to establish, the offense was redefined as occurring whether women had â€Å"quickened†or not. Laws of many countries, particularly those that experienced colonization by European countries and are influenced by religious doctrines continue to view abortion only as a criminal offense. Some countries whose criminal laws punish the willful taking of human life reinforce the prohibition of aborting by adding, sometimes in their national constitutions, that human life begins at conception. Punishments vary from a few years’ custody to life imprisonment. Almost all laws though do recognize that abortion procedures aimed in good faith to save a womanà ¢â‚¬â„¢s life do not offend the criminal law. An increasing number of countries now recognize a woman’s right to exercise abortion choice for a time, usually until about twelve weeks after the beginning of pregnancy, and allow the procedureShow MoreRelatedThe Issue of Partial Birth Abortions Essay1019 Words  | 5 PagesThe Issue of Partial Birth Abortions Recently, congress has been going over the issue of partial birth abortions. A partial birth abortion is performed in the second and third trimesters. 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Many possible effects that hinder the upbringing of a child
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